Thursday, 13 March 2008

Names for colours

I needed to display names for lots of colours the other day and ended up with an Extends function to return x11 names.

It occurred to me it might be useful to someone else.

To use it, just create it as a method in a module. It does have to be in a module.

Then you can use it like this

dim c as Color = &cCD5C5C
MsgBox c.x11name

There is a demo project at which is just a small test harness I threw together for this function and its reverse.

Anyway, here's the method

X11name(Extends c As Color, allowBlanks As Boolean = true) As String
Static Dict as Dictionary
if dict is nil then
dict = new Dictionary
Dict.Value( &c000000 ) = "Black"
Dict.Value( &c000080 ) = "Navy"
Dict.Value( &c00008B ) = "DarkBlue"
Dict.Value( &c0000CD ) = "MediumBlue"
Dict.Value( &c0000FF ) = "Blue"
Dict.Value( &c006400 ) = "DarkGreen"
Dict.Value( &c008000 ) = "Green"
Dict.Value( &c008080 ) = "Teal"
Dict.Value( &c008B8B ) = "DarkCyan"
Dict.Value( &c00BFFF ) = "DeepSkyBlue"
Dict.Value( &c00CED1 ) = "DarkTurquoise"
Dict.Value( &c00FA9A ) = "MediumSpringGreen"
Dict.Value( &c00FF00 ) = "Lime"
Dict.Value( &c00FF7F ) = "SpringGreen"
Dict.Value( &c00FFFF ) = "Aqua"
Dict.Value( &c00FFFF ) = "Cyan"
Dict.Value( &c191970 ) = "MidnightBlue"
Dict.Value( &c1E90FF ) = "DodgerBlue"
Dict.Value( &c20B2AA ) = "LightSeaGreen"
Dict.Value( &c228B22 ) = "ForestGreen"
Dict.Value( &c2E8B57 ) = "SeaGreen"
Dict.Value( &c2F4F4F ) = "DarkSlateGray"
Dict.Value( &c32CD32 ) = "LimeGreen"
Dict.Value( &c3CB371 ) = "MediumSeaGreen"
Dict.Value( &c40E0D0 ) = "Turquoise"
Dict.Value( &c4169E1 ) = "RoyalBlue"
Dict.Value( &c4682B4 ) = "SteelBlue"
Dict.Value( &c483D8B ) = "DarkSlateBlue"
Dict.Value( &c48D1CC ) = "MediumTurquoise"
Dict.Value( &c4B0082 ) = "Indigo"
Dict.Value( &c556B2F ) = "DarkOliveGreen"
Dict.Value( &c5F9EA0 ) = "CadetBlue"
Dict.Value( &c6495ED ) = "CornflowerBlue"
Dict.Value( &c66CDAA ) = "MediumAquamarine"
Dict.Value( &c696969 ) = "DimGray"
Dict.Value( &c6A5ACD ) = "SlateBlue"
Dict.Value( &c6B8E23 ) = "OliveDrab"
Dict.Value( &c708090 ) = "SlateGray"
Dict.Value( &c778899 ) = "LightSlateGray"
Dict.Value( &c7B68EE ) = "MediumSlateBlue"
Dict.Value( &c7CFC00 ) = "LawnGreen"
Dict.Value( &c7FFF00 ) = "Chartreuse"
Dict.Value( &c7FFFD4 ) = "Aquamarine"
Dict.Value( &c800000 ) = "Maroon"
Dict.Value( &c800080 ) = "Purple"
Dict.Value( &c808000 ) = "Olive"
Dict.Value( &c808080 ) = "Gray"
Dict.Value( &c87CEEB ) = "SkyBlue"
Dict.Value( &c87CEFA ) = "LightSkyBlue"
Dict.Value( &c8A2BE2 ) = "BlueViolet"
Dict.Value( &c8B0000 ) = "DarkRed"
Dict.Value( &c8B008B ) = "DarkMagenta"
Dict.Value( &c8B4513 ) = "SaddleBrown"
Dict.Value( &c8FBC8F ) = "DarkSeaGreen"
Dict.Value( &c90EE90 ) = "LightGreen"
Dict.Value( &c9370DB ) = "MediumPurple"
Dict.Value( &c9400D3 ) = "DarkViolet"
Dict.Value( &c98FB98 ) = "PaleGreen"
Dict.Value( &c9932CC ) = "DarkOrchid"
Dict.Value( &c9ACD32 ) = "YellowGreen"
Dict.Value( &cA0522D ) = "Sienna"
Dict.Value( &cA52A2A ) = "Brown"
Dict.Value( &cA9A9A9 ) = "DarkGray"
Dict.Value( &cADD8E6 ) = "LightBlue"
Dict.Value( &cADFF2F ) = "GreenYellow"
Dict.Value( &cAFEEEE ) = "PaleTurquoise"
Dict.Value( &cB0C4DE ) = "LightSteelBlue"
Dict.Value( &cB0E0E6 ) = "PowderBlue"
Dict.Value( &cB22222 ) = "FireBrick"
Dict.Value( &cB8860B ) = "DarkGoldenrod"
Dict.Value( &cBA55D3 ) = "MediumOrchid"
Dict.Value( &cBC8F8F ) = "RosyBrown"
Dict.Value( &cBDB76B ) = "DarkKhaki"
Dict.Value( &cC0C0C0 ) = "Silver"
Dict.Value( &cC71585 ) = "MediumVioletRed"
Dict.Value( &cCD5C5C ) = "IndianRed"
Dict.Value( &cCD853F ) = "Peru"
Dict.Value( &cD2691E ) = "Chocolate"
Dict.Value( &cD2B48C ) = "Tan"
Dict.Value( &cD3D3D3 ) = "LightGrey"
Dict.Value( &cD8BFD8 ) = "Thistle"
Dict.Value( &cDA70D6 ) = "Orchid"
Dict.Value( &cDAA520 ) = "Goldenrod"
Dict.Value( &cDB7093 ) = "PaleVioletRed"
Dict.Value( &cDC143C ) = "Crimson"
Dict.Value( &cDCDCDC ) = "Gainsboro"
Dict.Value( &cDDA0DD ) = "Plum"
Dict.Value( &cDEB887 ) = "BurlyWood"
Dict.Value( &cE0FFFF ) = "LightCyan"
Dict.Value( &cE6E6FA ) = "Lavender"
Dict.Value( &cE9967A ) = "DarkSalmon"
Dict.Value( &cEE82EE ) = "Violet"
Dict.Value( &cEEE8AA ) = "PaleGoldenrod"
Dict.Value( &cF08080 ) = "LightCoral"
Dict.Value( &cF0E68C ) = "Khaki"
Dict.Value( &cF0F8FF ) = "AliceBlue"
Dict.Value( &cF0FFF0 ) = "Honeydew"
Dict.Value( &cF0FFFF ) = "Azure"
Dict.Value( &cF4A460 ) = "SandyBrown"
Dict.Value( &cF5DEB3 ) = "Wheat"
Dict.Value( &cF5F5DC ) = "Beige"
Dict.Value( &cF5F5F5 ) = "WhiteSmoke"
Dict.Value( &cF5FFFA ) = "MintCream"
Dict.Value( &cF8F8FF ) = "GhostWhite"
Dict.Value( &cFA8072 ) = "Salmon"
Dict.Value( &cFAEBD7 ) = "AntiqueWhite"
Dict.Value( &cFAF0E6 ) = "Linen"
Dict.Value( &cFAFAD2 ) = "LightGoldenrodYellow"
Dict.Value( &cFDF5E6 ) = "OldLace"
Dict.Value( &cFF0000 ) = "Red"
Dict.Value( &cFF00FF ) = "Magenta"
Dict.Value( &cFF00FF ) = "Fuchsia"
Dict.Value( &cFF1493 ) = "DeepPink"
Dict.Value( &cFF4500 ) = "OrangeRed"
Dict.Value( &cFF6347 ) = "Tomato"
Dict.Value( &cFF69B4 ) = "HotPink"
Dict.Value( &cFF7F50 ) = "Coral"
Dict.Value( &cFF8C00 ) = "DarkOrange"
Dict.Value( &cFFA07A ) = "LightSalmon"
Dict.Value( &cFFA07A ) = "LightSalmon"
Dict.Value( &cFFA500 ) = "Orange"
Dict.Value( &cFFB6C1 ) = "LightPink"
Dict.Value( &cFFC0CB ) = "Pink"
Dict.Value( &cFFD700 ) = "Gold"
Dict.Value( &cFFDAB9 ) = "PeachPuff"
Dict.Value( &cFFDEAD ) = "NavajoWhite"
Dict.Value( &cFFE4B5 ) = "Moccasin"
Dict.Value( &cFFE4C4 ) = "Bisque"
Dict.Value( &cFFE4E1 ) = "MistyRose"
Dict.Value( &cFFEBCD ) = "BlanchedAlmond"
Dict.Value( &cFFEFD5 ) = "PapayaWhip"
Dict.Value( &cFFF0F5 ) = "LavenderBlush"
Dict.Value( &cFFF5EE ) = "Seashell"
Dict.Value( &cFFF8DC ) = "Cornsilk"
Dict.Value( &cFFFACD ) = "LemonChiffon"
Dict.Value( &cFFFAF0 ) = "FloralWhite"
Dict.Value( &cFFFAFA ) = "Snow"
Dict.Value( &cFFFF00 ) = "Yellow"
Dict.Value( &cFFFFE0 ) = "LightYellow"
Dict.Value( &cFFFFF0 ) = "Ivory"
Dict.Value( &cFFFFFF ) = "White"
end if
Dim retval as String
retval = dict.Lookup( c, "" )
If retval = "" and allowBlanks = false then
dim v as Variant
v = c
retval = mid( v.StringValue, 3 )
End If
Return retval
End Function

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