Saturday, 23 February 2008

How do I feel about RB?

I'm really confused about how I feel about REALbasic.

I like the engineers. Aaron, Mars, Mike and William are my friends. This is in much the same way that the soap stars are my cousin's friends.

I like the build engineer, Nathan. And who could fail to like Marco.

But I don't like the company much. Its public utterances, though mostly truthful, are often misleading and the company is far too secretive for my liking. I do not mean the utterances by my friends (see above) are misleading.

I like what REALbasic wants to be. I quite like a lot of what it is. But it is the most buggy development environment with which I work by a long way.

It has far too many features which have been included to add to the feature list and have never worked properly or have been left in an unreasonably basic state. Far too many bugs are fixed (or half fixed) and then come back later without anyone seeming to notice.
If your testing doesn't pick up recurrences of old bugs, what can you hope it will pick up?

Now because criticism of the product implies criticism of my friends, I become very defensive when the number one whiner starts again.

But then people tell him he should cut RS some slack because my friends are the only engineers. And then I get really irritable because the company refused to tell me how many engineers there are, even when I offered to sign a non-disclosure agreement and so my best customer won't let me write any of his stuff in RB.

So I join in with the whining. Then I feel guilty because I'm criticising the product that should be so wonderful because it has the right aspirations and is pretty good just as it is now.

So for now I just keep swapping sides and therefore disagreeing with nearly every post I see about the quality, usefulness and future of REALbasic

But for all that, most of the programming I do for myself or for fun I do in REALbasic and will continue to do so.